Wednesday 18 September 2013

Robots Development - Fritz

So as michael was finishing his robot drawings (and they were looking so cool!), I started animating them asap.

This is Fritz:

I first did a shooting and cruising animation
 photo 0_Fritz_Shooting_zps837a318e.gif

Then the team told me it would be nice if he also had a just wandering around animation
 photo 1_Fritz_Idle_zpsd020dcb1.gif
After that we ran into some troubles with the code and we were struggling to get Fritz to shoot at the right time, so I made an animation where fritz just shoots down to make it easier... But I got the booster the wrong way around when I made this one -_- 
 photo 2_Different_Shooting_zps4b92b0eb.gif

So I fixed it :)
 photo 3_Different_Shooting_Fixed_zpsa41d4acf.gif

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