Friday 20 September 2013

Robots Development - Bumblebee

Same went for Bumblebee! I had already had a good idea of what to do after doing Kettle. A little bit different since bumblebee collects resources.

This was my very first animation for Bumblebee, where he is just collecting resources. Obviously, I wanted to develop it further.
 photo 4_Bumblebee_zpsa7761e3b.gif

Craig suggested it would be nice if I added a bit of a shake to his arm when he is cutting the ground, so I did that
 photo 5_Bumblebee_Arm_Shake_zps3246a0a6.gif

Mohsin said it would be cool if I made him an animation where he just lifts his arm from collecting resources to follow the player, so I did that. But his left arm was weird
 photo 6_Bumblebee_Arm_Lift_zps1fca1558.gif

I changed it but I think I went too far
 photo 7_Bumblebee_Arm_Lift_2_zpsc2594962.gif

Then I simplified it and it looked better
 photo 8_Bumblebee_Arm_Lift_3_zps58e1f587.gif

But then Mohsin said he expecting his arm to be higher so it looked more harmful and pressuring.
 photo 9_Bumblebee_Arm_Lift_4_zps855e77ce.gif

Then I also worked on an Idle animation for him just like Kettle's so that we could be two bumblebees with different personalities.
 photo 10_Bumblebee_Idle_zps72eeeb3a.gif

Shoulder movement
 photo 11_Bumblebee_Idle_2_zps919a558e.gif

Right forearm
 photo 12_Bumblebee_Idle_3_zpsa09dda77.gif

All together!
 photo 13_Bumblebee_Idle_4_zps58cae443.gif

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