Friday 27 September 2013

New Robot Explosion

So, a few times, making a new explosion was suggested. By tutors and friends. Michael was in charge of doing it because he has a really nice drawing style but he got a bit busy with his world map. I decided to do it since we really needed it. I recently got a drawing tablet and it was time I put it to good use. Here follows the development:

I found that explosions have a dark outline and fade into a very bright colour, where the explosion is actually happening. It was a bit tricky getting that nice aesthetic. I started using similar colours to real explosion.

Then I moved on to blue since the energy sphere that the character throws is blue.

Drew it several times until I really understood the core essence of the drawing.

Then I used the Warp tool from Photoshop to add little sharp explosions in it too.

This is how it turned out : D

 photo 4_Animation_zpse6775680.gif

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