Wednesday 28 March 2012

Project One - Touch and Draw

The object I picked for this exercise was my shoe. I wanted to express my use of the shoe throughout a day and also how often I step into my untied shoe laces (I am always too lazy to tie them). The black thik lines represent the shoe laces and the starting point of the footprints being the same as the ending point represents my trajectory during the day.

Again, I used black and white to be effective. I added the positive and negative effect and also used white as the shadowing of black.

I really enjoyed drawing this one, I liked how the chosen object is hidden behind this abstract geometry and requires some reflection or even a storyline to have a better understanding.

I started with the idea of drawing the sole of my shoe and the laces randomly positioned on the page.

After some tutor advice from Ally, I decided to stretch the laces to the right and left sides of the page to have it more abstract.

Then I had the awesome idea of doing footprints all over the page walking through the laces.

Played around with the black and white to gain comfort when painting my final.


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