Wednesday 28 March 2012

Project One - Identity

Alright, the first task we got for DSDN 101 was to pick five objects out of our bags, compose and draw them into a grid in a top view. For that I picked two sets of sunglasses, a rubik's cube, a poker chip, and a necklace.

Real objects:

Here is my development:

Then a better sketch on a normal A4 paper:

On this iteration I was planning how to paint the necklace with black ink and still keep the curve effect it has.

Painted it once to see how it could look like:

And finally finished my Final drawing swaping between black and white to have a notion of shadowing within the objects and get that positive and negative effect. The way the glasses were sitting made my composition much more complex and for that reason I also used white to translate a lighting effect into the drawing.

That's the first one!

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