Wednesday 9 October 2013


I figured that the tutorial level could also have a little target that you can shoot for training purposes. So I decided to draw a little robotic dude to add more to the level. I drew it, refined it and animated it all myself and it turned out pretty cool :)

My very basic development, haha. I came up with the idea of adding a solar pad on his back to match the context of the game.

Then I started sketching it on Illustrator

Started adding more details and gradients.

And then I put it into photoshop and gave it some nice glows and some shadow work.

Next step was animating:

I kinda copied the movement style for the robots since this one is floating as well. Then I just moved is body as well as two different parts connected by these pipes.

 photo 4_zps7b1799e0.gif

After that I just added the rings motion and a fade in/out for the target aim

 photo 5_zps958bafe8.gif

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