Thursday 17 October 2013

New Attack!

So it was time we gave the token a good purpose! We made it so that if you collect all 25 tokens in the level, you get a new attack. It was my task to draw the new attack.

I first went for an electrical sphere with an aesthetic similar to the other attack.

Here is the animation:

 photo 2_zpsf239f00e.gif

I thought it looked ugly as so I decided to change it. I went for just a normal sphere.

Animation's Development:

Colours were too extreme
 photo 3_zps30dec869.gif

Lightnings didn't look right
 photo 4_zpsae7d9523.gif
Lightnings almost looked right
 photo 5_zps426fcf78.gif
Nice : )
 photo 6_zps539ab354.gif

My group liked it but they suggested an attack that was unique and much different to the other one. So I made a lightning bolt.


 photo 8_zpsa37e7201.gif

However, the coding became a bit confusing and we weren't able to add this one in on time. So we used the other one I did but Mohsin made it so that it kills two robots with one bullet.

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