Monday 11 March 2013

MDDN 241 - Concepts.

So I have started building up/drawing my concepts for the first project and for that I had the idea of mixing different natural as well as artificial organic forms.

Here are the different inspiring images that led me to create my concept forms.

They also helped me a lot with the idea of colours, also how the shapes affect the colours.

This first image is just a teardorp. But what I like about and what Id like to use on my concepts is the unique organic reflection that it creates by having that round shape which has a very thin starting point.

This one brings a little bit of humour into the table which also caught my attention. Since I'm looking for something blobby, I like on this one the aspect of a material naturally moving inside of another material. And this other material would be in this case, the green blob.

I was also looking for organic shapes made out of precious metals and jewellery. This is an example of a golden container, which I find quite nice and it could be really effective to have some other material inside of this container that would be changing throughout the different stages.

This image caught my attention due to its combination of organic forms. Here we have a spider and some jewelry. It is the combination of materials that I thought it was quite intriguing. I might combine something like that, use the shininess of the ruby with my blob idea.

This is a simple paint blob, or splatter if you may say so. I just like how it spreads around like water but with a lot more density and in a slower pace as well, giving it a more alien-like appearance.

This is a diagram of a neuron that caught my attention as well. Now, this one is not so round as the other forms, however, something about ending point that look like 'unleaved' trees with one having a nucleus caught my eye. I think its rather interesting, I might apply the idea of a nucleus to my concepts.

This is another simple example done with paint blobs/splatters. However, this one gives a bit more shape and by looking so perfectly and organically round and tracing a track out of it, it almost look like it has life in it.

Another kind of form that I am also interest on are the way that plants grow. The natural spread of a living organism. Because their growth is pretty much based on the nutrients gathered from sunlight, they always grow upwards and due to gravity they end up spreading side ways and once they have achieved a more bigger/advanced stage, they started falling downwards.

Now, violets follow the same growing structure since they are also plants and what I really like about them is the natural colour that they have which creates a good contrast that I might use for my concepts as well.

Relating back to golden shapes, this is a smashed golden container. I thought of having that one material inside it, but in order for it to change over time, maybe it should harshly damage the container in different organic ways.

These are just appealing visual with opacity, lighting and nice colour that I found to be very awesome and it might take some effect and influence my concepts due to its awesomeness.

This is a very interesting form that I found on the web. What I like so much about it is the fact that its made out of industrialized materials, however, its shape relates so much to organic shapes that it almost looks like a paint natural plant or resource.

This kind of relates back to that neuron I posted, but this one is almost the combination of that with a plant, but its made of glass...?? I know right, what the well. I thought it was really cool combination and this is probably my last image. :) Cheers

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