Thursday 31 October 2013

Final Game

A lot of effort into this game! I feel like I could keep working on it for a long time! So much I could add and improve, but I feel like I did my best and I am really proud of it. Definitely going to be a portfolio piece.
I am also very very happy that my game was chosen!!! Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers!!!!

Final Game Screen Shots

Tuesday 29 October 2013

My to do Notes:

I thought it would a bit humorous posting all my iphone notes for the things I had to do and I didn't want to forget, just so you have an idea of how messy it can get, lol.

Sunday 27 October 2013


I created all the music and sound effects for the game. What I am mostly proud of, it creating the music tracks, I am really happy with some of them, such as the world map one. I made them using Garage Band at uni.

Here they are:

Friday 25 October 2013

Score Screen

So I made these really cool animations for the score board. Took me aaages, haha, but it was worth it, I am really happy with it!

 photo 0_zps28d10ba6.gif

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Tutorial Pop Up Screen

I made a very simple pop up animation where the game asks you if you want to play a tutorial level before going into the first level.

This is what it looks like

On the animation, the background folds out and the "yes" or "no" text get bigger if your hover over it

Monday 21 October 2013

Navigatiooon Animatiooon

Since I was finished with my animations, I decided to add a lot more to the game as a whole by creating little animations for the navigating system. These ones I did for the click to start Logo screen:

Mouse Out Animation
 photo 0_zpsad393ba0.gif

Mouse Over Animation
 photo 1_zps26f177f5.png

Mouse Clicked Animation
 photo 2_zps0d15f3c7.gif

Saturday 19 October 2013

Tutorial Hologram

I did this one in a bit of a rush. I did it well but I ended up not having much development documentation in the end. I had it in form of animations. I redrew his arm a few times to get a nice animation.

First worked on his arm starting to glow

 photo 0_zpsc5ec2f91.gif

Then on the hologram structure and background
 photo 1_zps09133cf3.gif

Then I added a couple of blinks as its lighting up
 photo 2_zps67a0f6d9.gif

Then I tried it with the text to make sure it wasn't too small

 photo 3_zps6d53a784.gif

I tried adding more frames to make the hologram go back into his bracelet but stencyl couldn't hold the amount of frames, there were about 70 frames in the animation
 photo 4_zpseaeff77a.gif

then I polished it so it didn't look off or skippy
 photo 5_zps364c0985.gif

Final Animations:

 photo 6_zps380407dc.gif

 photo 7_zpse38f7db1.gif

 photo 8_zps52b0f578.gif

 photo 9_zps6d69826b.gif

 photo 10_zps3528a170.gif

New Attack
 photo 11_zps6098c8d7.gif