Thursday 25 July 2013

P1 Research

Finally, I looked more into my favourite kind of games..... 2D!!! yay

Here we go.

Examples on the way:

Aladdin! Really cool jumping techniques based on the basic jump and move mechanic. Also jewells and apples collection and lifes system.

Bit trip runner! Lovely game with mechanics that depending on items you collect, the sounds build up, you get more points and things get way more exciting.

Donkey Kong! Mastered version, mechanic of holding the second character on your back and using his character power.

Mario 2D with 3D aspects! Love it.

Punch Quest is an awesome game. Mechanics of power ups are really amazeballs, and will get you really into it when you ride the Dinosaur with laser eyes

No words for this one, Rayman is just epic

Sonic! Amazing but annoying mechanic of losing all your coins when you get hit

Lion king! has an unique mechanic of a growl status bar.


These are all of the games that I looked at and the gave me a very overall idea of how game mechanics work!


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