Wednesday 24 July 2013

P1 Research

Today I looked into games that similarly, you control them in a "front" view.

It is hard to explain, but once you see the pictures you will understand.

Here are a few examples:

Pokemon has many unique features built on top of mechanics, such as capturing pokemons as well as attacking with them.

Bomberman is also a very unique game with the mechanic of planting a bomb as well as collecting items, using power ups, etc.

Pacman is just classic, couldnt have missed it. A really good example of an under pressure game. The mechanic of monsters following you.

Runescape is a really cool RPG game where you have many attacking mechanics, as well as equipment, quests, magic, items, etc ones.

Starcraft also full of little mechanics and I actually never realised how complex it was until trying to break down its mechanics. The upgrading system in general is really nice as well as the theme, but the theme has nothing to do with its mechanics.

Tibia is quite similar to runescape but has a really hard mechanic of using runes when hunting as well as having to point your character towards the monster when conjugating a spell

Warcraft is quite similar to Starcraft on the way it is structured. However, it has really cool mechanics of creating a Hero and leveling him as well as gaining magic spell power that can be very powerful.

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