Wednesday 5 June 2013

251 - Development

My development with Project 2 was much different than in Project one. While in P1 I was constantly dealing physical materials and a lot of soldering, in P2 I was mainly dealing with arduino coding. Therefore, there isn't much to show apart from the code that I created.

I decided to do a group project with Tim Ng and explore how we would be able to use an arduino to manipulate a website.

The two main code examples that I used (from Arduino Library) were the WebServer and the WebClient:

The WebServer code would help me host my website and I thought that I could possibly have the arduino sending data to a PHP code. This way I'd be able to tell the PHP code to change according to any information sent to the arduino.

The WebClient is similar to the WebServer but completely different at the same time. This code would send information to a browser according to an existing server.

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