Wednesday 22 August 2012

Project 2 - Proposal.

So I have decided to try out an experiment with people and show it through a stop motion video. The idea is to take pictures of many different people drawing something at the same spot. I plan on narrowing down which kind of drawing people will have to do so that they can have an idea and also to have a starting point, but also allow them to use their imagination. I will take several pictures of them sitting down, thinking about it and then drawing it. Through the photos I will show the hierarchy of the people sitting down and see if there a prefered seating spot in the area. When editing the stop motion I will overlay each person's photos on top of a anothers so that the scenario will look the same, but the people will be moving. This way I can clearly compare how long each person took to finish the drawing and how much they thought about it. The projects aim is to show how much time each person takes to reflect about something that they can relate to, and how long they take to draw it.

This is my main idea, however, I also thought of making a stop motion of people getting tattooed and show the process and development from the drawing to the skin and how long it takes depending on how big and complex the drawing is.

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