Monday 4 June 2012

Project 3 - 300 Words.

“Media Design will be incorporated into a ‘New way of seeing’ exploring a limitless technological world hidden within electronic objects used day-by-day”.

What if inside of our TV’s, our computers, our monitors, our iPods, and iPhones, there was a hidden technological world? Where anything could be created through the use of technological coding? This stop motion explores how technology can express anything from the real world, and how in a technological world, it would be possible to create your own personal world. The movie shows effects that are quite simple and effective to achieve using stop motion, such as making objects appear, disappear, move, and even manipulate their function. A white space is used to represent the ‘iPhone world’, where anything can be created and the protagonist explores colour and music through the use of his iPhone, limited only by his own creative expressiveness.
This fiction was mainly inspired by the variety of technological networks that exist in our world today. Each one of them contains some sort of user interaction that creates a relationship between humans and technology. These slowly allow humans to create their own world by giving them the choice of personalizing objects to their own preferred taste. Music is also connected to this idea of digital manipulation, and the movie explores the use of instruments through using them to create the stop motions’ song track. In one of the scenes, the protagonist creates and plays an acoustic guitar, a bass, and an electric guitar, and as he goes through them, their sounds add to the movie’s track.
The main essential object in the film is a pair of black sun-glasses digitally manipulated to the function of allowing the person that is wearing it to create things based on his/her imagination. It is the main concept from the stop motion and provides a ‘new way of seeing’ when it comes to technology.

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