Tuesday 20 September 2011

DSDN 104 - Digital Creation.

In order to make my eagle look really 3D when it was in the cube, I changed it a little bit.

DSDN 104 - Digital Creation.

This is my final render.

DSDN 104 - Digital Creation.

I also had the idea of creating the biohazard symbol, but it had nothing to do with my previous designs and therefore I would not have much of a story then I moved on to the eagle. I first created the layers in Illustrator and then used solid works to extrude them.

DSDN 104 - Digital Creation.

After going through the idea of creating a physical object in acrylic layers I realized that the chair idea would't look too good. Then I decided to go back to the eagle concept that I used on my first project, the base of all my different iterations including my final project. This is the image.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

DSDN 142 - Creative Coding.

I have worked on the development of my interactive application and I have came to my final script. It is looking much better than before now that the arrow actually hits the very center of the bullseye target. I also added a new effect to the target. When it goes into the direction of the arrow, it gets pulled back if its hit by the arrow.

This is how it is looking like:

Monday 5 September 2011

DSDN 142 - Creative Coding.

I'm still developing my bulls-eye interaction but I think it has improved a lot. I've added a lot of different mouse functions that will result into more entertainment.
Here it is:

Friday 2 September 2011

DSDN 142 - Creative Coding.

I have been developing my bullseye concept.
I have changed the line so it actually looks like an arrow.
The main goal now is to perform a change when the arrow hits the very middle of the target.
For now, it will only change colour, and it will keep changing as you hit the centre of the target.
I will, in the future, implement other changes to have more interaction other than control. I will make it more abstract.
This is how it looks like so far:

DSDN 142 - Creative Coding.

This post reflects on my first concepts of the second project.

This was my very first result that I got out of one of the tutorials. It has a similar script as the one given but it is changed around. I has worked as another inspiration.

I decided to start off on the basic idea of a rotating ellipse. I don't intend to have forms, I have the goal to create something very abstract and unexpected. But we all start off on basic ideas. This is how it might work.

Out of the rotating ellipse, I created this interactive application where it changes colour as you move the mouse from one side of the screen to the other. I involves a lot of control as well, which is a bad thing when you wish to creative something very interactive, however, I plan to change it around so the abstractness will take over control.

The other day I had the idea of creating a bullseye using the ellipse and then have an arrow to create a relationship between the bullseye target and the arrow.
This is my first concept.

I now have a line which will supposedly represent the arrow moving towards the bullseye ellipse. In addition, everytime you shoot the arrow its speed slowly increases.