Sunday 31 July 2011

DSDN 142 - Creative Coding.

As our task for this week Ben told us to create 4 processing files that will explore the relationship between structure and noise. Nonetheless, he also told us to do so using variables. I have spent many hours playing around with OpenProcessing and I have come to my final codings.

My creations are all animations. For this reason, they will look differently from the original in this blog.

In this processing file I created a very nice structure using 14 different variables. I tried to use variables as much as possible and learned a lot doing so.

On this one I started adding a little bit of randomness creating a lack of structure in some parts of it, where the position of the ellipses has no specific order.

I found that noise can be easily related to randomness. The reason is because randomness is basically lack of structure. In this picture ellipses are created at random spots with random colours and thus, creating a little bit of noise.

On this last one I tried to add as much noisiness and randomness as possible. The animation looks very noisy. The only structure that can be easily identified are the tiny ellipses. The colours are also completely random and therefore, also considered somewhat noisy.

Julio Inglez.

DSDN 142 - Creative Coding.

Here are a couple processing files I created in my own time.
They are, however, animations, so they will not look the same in here as my originals.

In this image I created random sized ellipses going to the 'Y' direction. Once they have hit the end of the page the will start over from the beginning overlapping the already drawn ellipses.

The colours I used are also random within a range of specific colours.

In this file I created two pacmen going on a diagonal direction towards each other. Once they hit each other, they go back to their starting point and they keep going forever.

My inspiration:

Thursday 28 July 2011

DSDN 142 - Creative Coding

I am currently working on a processing code that will use variables. I have also been exploring and testing the use of the random command.

In this image I have limitedly used the random command to create colour variations and the variables to create identical ellipses at different spots:

DSDN 142 - Creative Coding

Here is the smiley face I created for the task.
I additionally added the smooth command to this file.

Monday 25 July 2011

DSDN 142 - Creative Coding

Earlier this week Steven gave us the task of doing a smiley face using OpenProcessor. I have completed the task and have uploaded it to I have also played around with the OpenProcessor program designing patterns. Here is one of the developments of a pattern I have completed:
